Myoplex Shred Review
Rated: 3.4 out of 5
If you consider yourself a serious bodybuilder then you have probably come to the conclusion a long time ago that there is nothing more important than squeezing everything you can out of each and every thing that you do in order to gain the maximum amount of benefit. From each and every workout to each and every recovery period to every ounce of nutrition all of it is critical in your ascent to the heights that you know that you want to achieve.
Another equally important aspect of your overall training regimen has to do with the bodybuilding supplements that are vital to any top flight performer no matter what sport they engage in. And, for those among us who have not yet fully considered just how important these modern workout enhancers are just know that it is impossible to reach the loftiest of goals in the bodybuilding world without a serious and regular use of the best possible supplements which are designed to help maximize everything else that you do.
Critical to a superior supplement is its ability to help the user increase the amount of their protein intake in order to make the fastest and longest lasting gains. These gains will also help to increase the body's capacity for building up nitric oxide levels within the bloodstream to increase the circulatory system's ability to carry oxygen and nutrients to all the major muscle groups.
Fortunately, today's superior athletes now have access to the finest products of this nature that have ever existed. Utilizing some rather incredible advances in science the best of these new supplements can assist the most serious bodybuilders onto new heights which the greats of the past could only dream of.
The downside to these great advances is that the industry is now becoming the target of many entities looking to get in on the ever growing multi-billion dollar market which is taking root all around the world. Many of these newer products may look just like the best the industry has to offer because of the many similar ingredients used in their production and the many similar claims that are being made for them but the fact is that many are simply inferior.
For this very reason, we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely help them achieve their goals, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about bodybuilding supplements available today - it's called Myoplex Shred.
About Myoplex Shred

The first thing to know about Myoplex Shred is that it claims to provide 30 grams of protein in each serving in order to build lean muscle and it delivers 80% of its calories from pure protein by avoiding added sugars and fillers. A second and welcome claim is that it sets a new standard in taste with two new flavors which are Fruity Cereal and Chocolate.
Another crucial selling point is its claims that each serving contains 4 grams of Leucine in order to optimize muscle protein synthesis. Myoplex Shred also claims to provide fewer carbs and more BCAA's than many other leading protein brands.
Active Ingredients
Utilizing a complex yet common array of vitamins, minerals and other elements the set of ingredients used in the production of Myoplex Shed could be considered by some to be quite common among its most formidable competitors. These include:
Filtered Water, Milk Protein Isolate. Less than 2% of: Calcium Caseinate, Natural Flavors, Sunflower Oil, Inulin, Maltodextrin, Cellulose Gel, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate, Cellulose Gum, Salt, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, and Carrageenan.
Clinical Research, Studies And Trials
Although the set of ingredients in any product are important one thing that even the most experienced consumers tend to overlook is the way in which the ingredients are formulated. To be truly effective a product of this nature not only must use the best ingredients it must also combine them in way that allows for the maximum benefit and without issues related to poor interactions between them. The best way for consumers to understand whether or not this has been done is by seeking out any data related to research, studies or clinical trials that might have been performed.
Looking at the official website for Myoplex Shred we could not find any references or links to any such research, studies or trials that might support the claims being made as to the product's effectiveness and safety. A further search of relates industry sites did not produce any finding on this matter.
What Real Users Are Saying
Surprisingly, our visit to the official website for Myoplex Shred showed that the company has chosen not to display testimonials which most sellers use as a way to show potential customers how well their product is liked by existing customers. Of course, savvy consumers understand that testimonials and user reviews of this nature have an inherent bias due to the fact that they are controlled by the seller. It is for this reason that we tend to look for more independent sources of user reviews.
Using a standard search of multiple industry related websites with no known connection to Myoplex Shred or its producer as well as several internet chat rooms dedicated to discussing bodybuilding supplements we came upon a large number of independent user reviews. Noting the overall sentiments expressed in them it became clear that the vast majority of them were quite negative in nature. Among the most prominent themes within the negative reviews was the belief that Myoplex Shred did not perform as well as they had expected and, in many cases, not as well as other products which these users had previously utilized.
Health And Safety Concerns
Whereas the bodybuilding supplement industry has a long record of products which are known to produce certain unwanted side effects one should always carefully examine the ingredients. Still, given the wide usage of most ingredients in Myoplex Shred there seems to be no major concerns for healthy individuals. However, it is always advisable to consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use of this or any other similar product.
How To Purchase Myoplex Shred
Available for purchase though the product's official website and other outside online retail outlets Myoplex Shred is packaged in two pound tubs. The most commonly found purchasing option is a two tub package with most often retails for $47.96.
The Last Word On Myoplex Shred
As discussed in the opening comments of this review the most serious bodybuilders among us know that maximizing the benefits of everything that they do is a key goal on the road to success. From the workout to the recovery period to nutrition to the supplements that they choose each decision can have a major impact on the heights that they achieve.
Looking at Myoplex Shred it seems clear that there are really only three crucial factors that should be considered in determining if it belongs among the best available choices on the market today.
The first factor is the set of ingredients used in its production and, as we discovered, those ingredients are more than common across the industry. The second factor is the way in which those ingredients are formulated and according to our extensive search there is no data related to research, studies or clinical trials that would support the many claims being made for the product. The third and, perhaps most illuminating factor, is what independent users have to say about their experience with Myoplex Shred. In this case, the vast majority of independent user reviews that we came upon did not believe that Myoplex Shred lived up to its claims and in many cases was not the best product of this kind that they had ever tried.
In the end it appears clear that Myoplex Shred has not done what it takes to put it on the same level as the top performing bodybuilding supplements available today.
For more information on high quality, top rated bodybuilding supplements available on today's market, click here.
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