MuscleTech Phase 8 Review
Rated: 2.8 out of 5
If one were to step back and take a good look around them, they would likely see that most people around them do not spend a lot of time and effort on maintaining their overall physical fitness. Certainly, one might find that a certain segment of these people do make a real effort to take care of their bodies and keep in shape in one or another. But, in most situations, this is not highly common even though there is an increasing tendency in many areas of the world to move people in the direction of a more healthy and body conscious way of living.
Stepping back and looking at most cases, what one will find is that men and women who do care in one way or another about their physical condition and overall strength generally get involved in activities and purchase items and services that lead them to believe that they can provide them with the look of being healthy and robust. This is best illustrated in a lot of products and services that are shown to be popular including cosmetics, which are normally aimed to women but also target items toward men as well as other high end solutions including cosmetic procedures and even surgical procedures which are promoted as ways to improve the appearance of the human without actually improving their actual physical condition.
The bottom line here is that most men and women are in poor physical condition when compared to most people who were living in past generations. And, the farther back through the ages we go the stronger the people living in those time periods tended to be for the very simple reason that they just had to work harder just in order to survive on a basic level. Yes, it is very likely the case that these ancestors of ours also had much shorter lifespans in comparison to the ones we have now but that was mainly due to the lack of medicine and other health services which are available to us at this point in time. Still, there is just no way to ignore the core fact that many adults living in the more developed regions of the globe are now living with a notable loss in life expectancy as the number of bad habits and the increase in consumption of less healthy foods as well as the near or total lack of health improving exercise due to the upward tick of sedentary and technological dependency of our lifestyles ends up leading to a reduction of our overall health when compared to those of past generations.
Knowing all of this to be true, it must be noted that there is also a marked increase in men and women who are seeking to make some serious changes to their lifestyle and become much more dedicated to changing their bodies for the better, which is, as we have noted, could be viewed as the vehicles that carry us through our lives, and an even more elite portion of the population are working to take their bodies to even greater heights as they seek to acquire of the ultimate human form. To make this happen, an increasing number of men and women have turned to what they find to be the ultimate pursuit of bodybuilding. And, those who want to engage in this sport at its highest levels know that there are some core strategies that must be engaged in order to get the maximum amount of gain they get from everything else that they do.
To begin with, they must make some basic decisions related to their daily training regimens with regard to their base training and that also leads to a myriad of methods related to their recovery periods. Still, other kinds of decisions must be made with regard to what and how much they use in their bodies as the fuel that will be critical to the kinds of results that they will end up getting.
These decisions only expand as they must also make choices that they will have to make as they try to figure out which dietary supplements, they will use in order to make the best possible dietary decisions. The central fact in this instance is that no truly serious bodybuilder or other competitive athlete can attain a high level of success without utilizing top quality supplements that can prove a significant boost to everything else that they might do and help to achieve the greatest possible gains.
In stepping back and reviewing everything involved, it's clear that the highest ranked among the latest bodybuilding supplements can help the most serious competitors of many physical disciplines to achieve higher levels of gains than those men and women of past generations could be mainly due to the fact that these most recently created products can offer greater benefits than the products of the past simply because of their continuously developing formulas.
Significantly, the only real negative to all of this is that the industry that produces these products has now found itself deluged with literally hundreds of these types of products. And, as the most recent research demonstrates, many of these products are simply not living to the highest standards that the industry has been long been praised for.
With all of these facts in mind, we, as a part of the continuing service that we always try to provide our thousands valued readers, have decided to take a long hard look into one of the most talked about bodybuilding supplements available on the market today - it's called MuscleTech Phase 8.
MuscleTech Phase 8 Basics

For starters, one of the core aspects to understand when trying to make a determination as to just how safe and effective any product of this kind may be is to is to closely the producer of the product and what kind of history they have in their specific industry. A look at the back story and accreditations for the creator of MuscleTech Phase 8, which happens to be a company known as MuscleTech appears to have a more than a credible and significant legacy in the bodybuilding industry.
MuscleTech Phase 8 Ingredients
Looking closely at the list of ingredients for MuscleTech Phase 8 we found that the basis for the specific is creatine, which is essential for protein production and, ultimately, the production of lean muscle mass. To achieve this goal MuscleTech Phase 8 utilizes Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein and Brown Rice
There is one thing that should be pointed out and that there are numerous types in which supplements of this kind are produced in. Some are produced in the form of a powder which is designed to be made into a shake while another core form comes in capsules or pills. MuscleTech Phase 8 has chosen to use the powder and shake form which is convenient but is, sometimes criticized as being not as effective depending upon the formulation. Still, there is an increasing body of research which has demonstrated this to be false.
As desirable as these ingredients may be it should be pointed out that there is one core ingredient which is not listed in the elements and that is L-Arginine which is widely said to be a provider of amino acid which is needed for rapid muscle growth.
The Science of MuscleTech Phase 8
There is no real argument that having a strong working knowledge of the ingredients in any product, especially for any products that are ingested orally as with bodybuilding supplements, is a beneficial thing in the sense that it allows people to know if it has those elements which are widely desired or if it has any that could be deemed to be of medical concern such as those that might cause allergic reactions. However, there are other forms of information that are likely even more important to athletes who may want a higher level of understanding with regard to what they could be using. This kind of data can be found in the archives that come from the results of research, studies or clinical testing. This is valid under the assumption that any of this kind of research has been conducted as there are many countries and even regions of manufacturing within them do not require the makers of these products conduct all of this type of study and clinical trials.
Basing our findings on all of the data made available both from the manufacturer and MuscleTech Phase 8 as well as a plethora of industry sources with a record of following this kind of research indicated that there was no credible or verifiable evidence that would offer any significant support for the numerous claims being made as to how beneficial the formulation for MuscleTech Phase 8 really is.
User Reviews And Testimonials
People who are old enough can tell younger buyers that, in the years before the wide availability of the world wide web, consumers often found themselves at the mercy of the producers of products or services by the simple fact there was not much in the way of regulations related to the kind of information that had to be given to consumers. Still, as more and more problems came to light in the eyes of consumers the regulations in question were often enhanced so that they could become more aware of what the ingredients in any product that they were thinking about purchasing.
All of that being said, it still wasn't until the start of the increasing use of the internet that so many people could easily get to find out just how safe and effective most products really were through the viewing of actual user reviews. But, as one can easily imagine, the more popular and counted upon real user reviews became in the public's eyes, the more producers who pump out poor quality products and services began to try to lower the public's trust in what they were seeing in these user reviews. This being true, we always attempt to find the best sources of independent user reviews so that we can find out what real users are really thinking.
A cursory review of a number of industry websites with no known affiliation to the producer or to MuscleTech Phase 8 as well as a long line online chat rooms and forums with a noted history of talking about bodybuilding supplements, we found a wide array of independent user reviews for MuscleTech Phase 8. A quick tally of the overall user satisfaction ratings for MuscleTech Phase 8 indicated that many of them did not believe that they had any significant or long term benefits and especially when compared to a collection of other product of a substantially similar formula in which they stated that they used before using MuscleTech Phase 8.
Is MuscleTech Phase 8 Safe?
Our review of the list of ingredients used in the creation of MuscleTech Phase 8 proved that they are in wide use within the bodybuilding and athletic supplement industry. This indicates that it would appear that there is no notable evidence of serious health issues. However, it is always advisable to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning daily use of this or any other product of its kind and with a substantially similar chemical makeup.
How To Buy MuscleTech Phase 8
MuscleTech Phase 8 can be bought through a long list of well-regard online retail platforms such as, and an even longer list of less well-known outlets.
Returning the start of this review, we talked about the fact that many men and women will make an effort to transform their bodies into a spectacular specimen of the human body but, in one way or another, most of them will fail due to the incredible amount of time, effort and dedication that it takes to reach the highest levels. Still, for those of them who have the desire to overcome these obstacles there are a wide array of choices that must be made with care. Related to the many choices in supplements the subject matter can become often really frustration and confusing so we have opted to look closer at one of the most talked about muscle building and nitric oxide boosting supplements available currently in order to discover whether or not MuscleTech Phase 8 is one of the best available options. To do this we decided to examine three key factors.
One of these was the array of elements and, as we noted at the beginning, they seem to be highly comparable to many items of this kind but is also missing one or more core ingredients which is widely believed to make it more comparable to the most highly rated that the industry has been offering for a long time. Another factor was related to data from research, studies or clinical trials that might be available that would offer support any of MuscleTech Phase 8's many claims. In this instance, we could not find any supporting evidence of this kind. The last factor has to do with what many independent user reviews were saying and the fact is that the majority of them did not have an overall positive viewpoint on their experiences was yet another negative.
Since all of the information available points to the fact that there is a wide array of other muscle building supplements of this kind that are likely to be significantly more effective than MuscleTech Phase 8 it seems that truly dedicated bodybuilders might want to look at those first.
For more information on high quality, top rated bodybuilding supplements available on the market today, click here.
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We reviewed the leading build muscle supplements. See which ones pump you up and which are a waste of money