Cellmass 2 Review
Rated: 3.2 out of 5
by BuildMuscle.com
When someone decides to take up the sport of bodybuilding they are sending themselves down a road that will someday lead them to a crossroads. This intersection will come on the day that they realize that they will become one of two different people - one who will look at bodybuilding as a hobby or one that will embrace the pursuit as a major part of their lives. Those who choose to only look at the pursuit of the perfect human form as something they wish they had but are not willing to do what it takes to get there need not read on. But, for those who are willing to take the road less traveled and aspire to greatness in their chosen pursuit will still face many more decisions. Some of them will include choices about the types of training techniques that they will employ as well as methods related to recovery periods. Still, others will come in a variety of issues regarding everything that goes into a bodybuilder's diet. Yet, another key question will come about that plays a major factor in everything else that is involved and that is the many questions surrounding the use of bodybuilding supplements.
One thing that needs to be understood before moving on is the fact that supplements used in the enhancement of everything else that bodybuilders and other top athletes are involved in are continuously being refined and advanced. So, the point here is that supplements that were the best available just a decade ago are now no longer capable of providing the same results which can be achieved with the best that today's market can offer. And, the most important of these supplements are those that provide the building blocks for the growth of the maximum amount of lean muscle mass. To accomplish this, these supplements must provide a list of ingredients proven to provide the fuel that major muscle groups need to rapidly expand while also delivering the components necessary to increase nitric oxide which is critical to the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to their targets.
With all of this being true there is one problem that seems to have become a notable issue for serious bodybuilders and that is the fact that the industry which produces them now finds itself being overrun with literally hundreds of newer products as company after company with the ability to create a product and get it onto the market is doing so in order to get in on what has become a worldwide multi-billion dollar enterprise. And, as it turns out, some of these products are now being shown to be often significantly less effective and, sometimes, even less safe than many of the leading product that the market has long been known for. With this being the case, it is easy to see how so many superior athletes are finding it more and more difficult to know which of the far too many options in protein supplements is the right choice.
Keeping all of these facts in mind we, as a part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products which will likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about protein boosting supplements out there today - it's called Cellmass 2.
Cellmass 2 Basics

This product is produced and distributed by BSN. As one can read on its official product website, Cellmass 2 was developed to be used in conjunction with a series of other products made by BSN but was specifically formulated to act as a post-workout recovery drink which can be directly integrated with other products both from the manufacturer or other producers as part of a regimen designed to boost the gains made during recovery periods.
Cellmass 2 Ingredients
A look at the listing of ingredients in this product shows that they are generally well-established in the industry and contained in most products of this kind. They include protein, calcium, Whey Protein Hydrolysate, L-Glutamine as well as Glutamine Peptides. Their Myogenic Matrix consists of Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine HCL and Creatine Anhydrous. The Insulino Interfusion is made with Taurine and Banaba Extract.
Cellmass 2 And The Science
Although having access to the list of ingredients in any product is a good thing there are far more valuable sets of data that a serious bodybuilder would want to have access to. This includes any information related to research, studies or clinical trials which may have been conducted on the product with the assumption that any was done at all given that these forms of supplements are not always required to conform to those norms depending upon where the product was developed and manufactured.
A look at all of the available information from BSN and several outside industry sources provided no credible or verifiable indication that Cellmass 2 and its specific formulation was ever the subject of this particular kind of scientific scrutiny.
User Reviews And Testimonials
Ever since the dawn of the internet consumers have had access to the experiences of millions of other consumers when it comes to understanding just how good or bad a particular product or service is. However, the growing number of negative reviews have prompted many large producers to seek ways to combat the effects of these business hazards. Many have turned to investing in ways to undermine the trust in user reviews including flooding many review sites with paid or sponsored comments. This, of course, has created a situation where many consumers now feel that much of what they read in this regard as a high degree of bias. This being the case, we always look for more independent sources of user comments.
In a review of numerous industry related sites having no apparent affiliation with BSN or any of its products plus several highly regarded online chat rooms and forums dedicated to the subject we located a wide swath of independent user reviews for Cellmass 2. In a nutshell, or tally of user ratings showed that most did not consider this product to be on par with many of the leading brands in this category.
Is Cellmass 2 Safe?
Being that the list of ingredients in this product are all well-established in the industry there does not seem to be any reason for concern regarding medical issues. Still, it is always best to consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before starting use of this or any similar product.
How To Buy Cellmass 2
Potential users can find this product for sale through its official product website and a long list of well-known online retailers.
The Cellmass 2 Conclusion
With products of this nature being critical to achieving maximum results it is important to know if Cellmass 2 is among the best options available in this category. To determine this we looked at three core factors.
The first was the set of elements used create Cellmass 2 and, as made clear, it is comparable to many of the top performers on the market. The second was what could be found related to research, studies and testing on the specific formulation and the lack of credible reports was a definite negative. The last factor was to look at what independent user reviews had to share regarding their experiences and the record shows that those ratings were quite low.
In the end, there is no credible way that it could be said that Cellmass 2 is among the best available options for post-workout energy supplements out there today.
For more information on high quality, top rated bodybuilding supplements available on the market today, click here.
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